The Finding That Next Gear Blog

Photo of a diverse group of individuals in a meeting room discussing. There's a whiteboard in the background with the words 'Feedback is a gift

Embracing Feedback: The Key to Breakthroughs and Growth

Beau Billington is the founder of the Free Agent, a consulting company immersed in the strategic-layer of the Gig Economy About Beau Billignton- The Free Agent utilizes a vetted bench of battle-tested experts that…

My Entrepreneurial Journey- What to look out for in the early days- Part 2

This is a quick follow-up to an earlier post concerning entrepreneurship and a few things to look out for in the early days.  A third part will be coming soon as my thoughts are…

My Entrepreneurial Journey – What to look out for- Part 1

Every entrepreneurship experience is different.  You have some companies that find success with a quickness, some that never find success, and other that take a little while to hone in on what they actually do.  I…

Short on Time? Here’s how I Create More

I recently had a conversation with a colleague where we discussed some of the work-related issues surrounding Covid-19. While the issues are plentiful, we really honed in on “time” as a huge issue and how…

My Entrepreneurial Journey- the good, the bad, and the ugly

Entrepreneurship is an interesting “occupation”. It’s one of those career choices/paths where most people think you are utterly insane, overly optimistic and foolish, or they applaud your boldness and bravery, all while secretly hoping…

SDR’s- Is their Reputation Deserved, or are they Simply Misunderstood?

My LinkedIn news feed has a lot of material regarding sales, sales leadership, and the imposition sales development representatives (SDR’s) often cause. As such, I felt compelled to write a quick opinion post concerning SDR’s…

My Entrepreneurial Journey – Setting the Stage

I’d like to set the stage for this series on entrepreneurship – for me entrepreneurship was never a matter of if, but more so a matter of when. I’d thought about it since I understood…

My Entrepreneurial Journey

I jumped out of “Corporate America” and started my company a little over 2 years ago.  My story may be similar to others in that I was married (still am and still happily), two kids,…